0800 033 7075

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We design and instal laboratory prep room roller racking that allows high density storage within the lab's store rooms or prep rooms. Available in a range of sizes and types to accomodate the full range of equipement that needs to be stored. We design the system to allow easy access whislt maintaining high density storage.
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Lab Storage Shelving and RacksLab Chemical Storage CabinetsVial Storage Cabinets and Culture Storage TraysLaboratory Roller Racking and Mobile ShelvingLaboratory Drawer Storage CabinetsLab Storage CupboardsLaboratory Drugs Cabinets and CupboardsLaboratory Tray Storage Cupboards and TrolleysLaboratory Prep Room Roller RackingLaboratory Sample StorageLaboratory Gas Cylinder Racks, Cages, Cabinets and TrolleysLaboratory Changing Room Lockers and benchesLaboratory TrolleysLaboratory Glassware StorageRelocate Laboratory StorageLaboratory Storage Bunds