0800 033 7075

We design and install laboratory mobile shelving and lab roller racking that provides high density storage for all items used within the laboratory. The space saving designs allow our clients to increase their storage capacity by circa 150% or alternatively reduce the required space by a similar amount. The advantage to users is that our laboratory modular storage systems still allows easy access as the compact systems are desiged around your requirements.
We also supply and install a wide range of lab stainless steel mobile shelving and laboratory stainless steel roller racking. All providing sterile storage within a high density format.
Lab Storage Shelving and RacksLab Chemical Storage CabinetsVial Storage Cabinets and Culture Storage TraysLaboratory Roller Racking and Mobile ShelvingLaboratory Drawer Storage CabinetsLab Storage CupboardsLaboratory Drugs Cabinets and CupboardsLaboratory Tray Storage Cupboards and TrolleysLaboratory Prep Room Roller RackingLaboratory Sample StorageLaboratory Gas Cylinder Racks, Cages, Cabinets and TrolleysLaboratory Changing Room Lockers and benchesLaboratory TrolleysLaboratory Glassware StorageRelocate Laboratory StorageLaboratory Storage Bunds